Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Netflix Effect

Over 2 decades of Netflix. Netflix is 22 years old and has had a huge impact on society since it been around. Netflix was originally a company that mailed people DVDs for movie and tv content they desired. Netflix was Blockbuster's number one competitor, until the company moved their content online and allowed subscribers to stream the movies and tv shows right from their home.  This has created a lasting impact on several media platforms and has changed the way we stream content. 

Netflix has created its own category of an industry and many have followed in the direction it's headed. In the last 15 years, 6-7 major streaming services have been created and are competing with Netflix, the company that started the trend. Netflix was originally just a platform that held movies and tv shows created by other networks and production companies but now Netflix (and other streaming services) have started to create their own original content. 

All of these streaming services are competing to be the best service, and although they are catching up, Netflix still has the most subscribers and arguably the most variety of their content. Not only does Netflix have to compete with all the other streaming services being created, according to an article by Forbes, it also has to compete with cable television (Morgan). The streaming service would originally attract subscribers by advertising old shows and movies that are no longer shown on live tv. 

Something that people had been trying to do that Netflix managed to master was personalized and recommended content. Many wanted to predict what people were going to watch and with an advance algorithm, Netflix was able to do that. According to the Forbes article "80% of watched content comes from recommendations" (Morgan). 

Netflix has made a huge impact on how we view our tv shows and movies and a new term. "binge-watching" was created as people could watch a whole show all in one sitting. Chad Michael Murray, an actor on One Tree Hill (A show that used to be on Netflix) said that his show being put on Netflix after years of it being off the air, allowed for the show to be reborn into the next generation on consumers. Netflix has changed the way we watch and view content. New jobs have been created and new ways of viewing have formed as a result of this streaming service. 

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