Monday, March 9, 2020

International women's day

With this year's International Women's day being very anticipated and globally celebrated, a number of famous brands decided to make designs and product labels that showed their support for females in this day and age. Not only has Apple and Reebok supported the holiday but Kind bars, Betty Crocker, and Absolut, a Swedish alcohol company, has done its part to promote equality.

In this new day and age in a post-modernism society, equality for all is one of the main focuses and many protests and marches take place every year to fight for more rights for women. There has also been a protest for women to receive equal pay to men and the same opportunities in the workplace. Since long before the 1920s women have been protesting for the right to vote, to work, to be equal to men and when the 19th amendment passed, it was a big stepping stone for more rallies and debates that women and men have participated in to fight against gender inequality.

These brands are doing their part to promote and spread the message that women are and should be treated as equals to men. Apple said that our society was teaching girls the wrong message "to have ambition, but not too much" (Handley). We have to stand against the ways society encourages women to conform to a certain model and encourage women to chase after their goals and see what they can achieve.

Reebok launched a shoe designed by women that has the phrase "its a man's world" in black and a red line crossing it out. These brands wanted to create these products and ads to show that women have an influence on society and their impact is incredible. Some of the world's discoveries and inventions were made by women and the world is starting to recognize the importance of equality.

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